Tag: MJ Hegar

The Politics of Story-Telling Part Two

The mid-terms are over, finally, after 12 days.   How did Democrat and nascent Congressional candidate, MJ Hegar fare against her eight-term Republican rival John Carter in a heavily red district in the Lone State? Does great story-telling woo voters?

Hegar vs Carter Texas-style

Exactly two weeks before the election, polls had MJ Hegar trailing 38% to 53% with a 5% margin. In sixteen years, John Carter had never experienced a serious challenge. He won with just 50.7% to her 47.6.  An impressive showing for a candidate whose campaign framed an impressive narrative around her strength’s vs her opponents’ weaknesses. A win for inspired story-telling and a solid candidate. 2020 MJ

The Politics of Story-Telling Part One

Political Ads Run the Gamut

With just 14 days remaining before voter’s head to the polls in this charged midterm election, candidates are squeezing out one more tv ad, flyer, and social post. Since primary season opened last spring, campaign advertising has run the gamut from the predictable (glad you approve of the message, but would your mother?)  to the bizarre, to the offensive and finally to the inspiring. What political ads resonate with voters?

The Bizarre

Levi Tillemann, a Democratic congressional hopeful from Colorado, was intentionally sprayed in the face with pepper spray to prove it was a valid alternative to arming teachers in the classroom.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l0wVX1aQco. This Yale and Johns Hopkins grad lost the primary.   

The Offensive

Michael Williams, a Republican running for Governor in Georgia, created a “deportation bus” to tour the state and demonstrate how he would round up illegal immigrants in a school bus. He came in last place with only 4.8% of the vote.


The Inspiring

Branding wisdom shone brightly as neophyte, female, Democratic congressional candidate, MJ Hegar dropped this ad on June 20th to challenge Republican incumbent, John Carter, in a heavily red, Texas district. Carter, elected in 2002, had no serious challengers over the past 16 years, until June 23rd.  The ad, titled, “Doors”, is a metaphor for the proverbial doors she opened and knocked down as a decorated Air Force helicopter pilot and change agent. Take a look

In just 72 hours, the ad went viral and she landed on the national stage. Her backstory was powerful without being boastful, the re-creations were authentic vs contrived and her voice-over was relatable. “Doors” was touted by marketing execs as the best campaign ad of 2018. If views and money were indices, the ad has received just under 3M views and the campaign reported $1.1M raised in the second quarter with $750K coming ten days after “Doors” hit YouTube. Carter has not counter punched with any memorable creative.   

Does Good Story Telling Win An Election?

With just two weeks to go how is she polling in Texas? Does solid creative trump trash when it comes to politics? Can inspired story-telling sway red voters to turn blue? New York Times pollsters have Carter ahead 53% to 38% with a 5% margin. However, as NYT political reporter, Alex Jones remarked, “it is just one poll.” https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/upshot/elections-poll-tx31-1.html 

Perhaps in Texas it will not be politics as usual on November 6th