Tag: sonson

Face Mask Fashion Follows Function

Until a vaccine is created to inoculate against COVID-19, it will be a tenuous toe dip back. The National Academies of Science, Technology and Medicine recently determined that viral droplets could travel farther than 6 feet in certain conditions and live coronavirus particles can persist in the air in bioaerosol form. https://www.nap.edu/catalog/25769/rapid-expert-consultation-on-the-possibility-of-bioaerosol-spread-of-sars-cov-2-for-the-covid-19-pandemic-april-1-2020.  In other words, in addition to social distancing and rigorous handwashing, wearing a cloth face covering was added to the prescriptive list of citizen mandates to help fight the spread. With a market potential of 328 million people in the US alone, the face mask will become the 2020 fashion statement.

In the beginning of the pandemic, with a horrifying shortage of PPE for front line medical workers, crafty and charitable Americans revved up their sewing machines, unearthed remnant cotton fabric and began stitching masks for local hospitals, nursing homes and first responders. But soon the need expanded to all public-facing essential workers. When the CDC changed its guidance to recommend all Americans wear a cloth face covering in public, and many states mandated it, a market was born.  Soon, the plethora of face masks included thongs, bandanas, and gas masks.     

“Face masks are the new t-shirt”

– Mariella Segarra

Seemingly overnight, face masks metamorphized from uncomfortable and awkward to personal and stylish. Mariella Segarra on NPR’s Marketplace suggested this was a new retail category.  https://www.marketplace.org/2020/04/24/cloth-face-mask-new-category-retail-covid19/  Right now, sports teams, causes and designers are seizing the moment to offer American’s a personalized approach to our new normal.

A Mask For Every Vertical

However, unlike a racoon, one mask does not fit all occasions. As the evolution of the mask continues, new verticals will emerge within the category. For business – a clear plastic shield to encourage transparency and teamwork, for fashion – fabulous fabrics and accessories, for kids, bright colors and beloved characters, and for sports, ultra-breathable virus- repellent fabric. New Balance pivoted to fill the PPE void for hospital workers. You can bet their fabric engineers and designers are developing masks for all types of athletes. And, if casual Fridays don’t become an anomaly, why not a jean version as well?

Masks are here to stay. After wearing a suffocating, glasses-fogging, beginning-to-smell-a-bit-stale mask for the past few weeks, I am ready to help jump start the economy and shop. Think something with big, funny lips would bring smiles.